T2O Media

Redesigning the web for a marketing company upgrading their content and changing their old fashioned site

2010 - 2011

What's this about?

T2O Media is a Spanish online marketing agency established in several countries.

I carried out several workshops with the stakeholders (CEO, Marketing and IT) to define the goals and the new architecture.

As well, I made a lot of prototypes for desktop and mobile and worked closely with the visual designers to define the final result.

My role

I took part in the project as a Freelance UX/UI Designer.

What I learned in this project

I carried out this project as a Freelance. It was interesting to do it alone and to understand what the client wanted, what the client had (but they didn't know how to upgrade) and how to transform all that information in something usable and nice.

After working with the team, we agreed to face these challenges:

Inception workshops, Information Architecture, Wireframes and Visuals