Mi Vodafone App

Defining and conceptualizing services and features for "Mi Vodafone", the clients' app of Vodafone Spain

2018 - 2020

What's this about?

Vodafone Spain, as a telco company, offers to its clients an App where they can access to all their information and services of their account (billing, consumption, top-up, fault management, notifications, etc.)

We helped the Vodafone team, collaborating with Business and IT, to conceptualize, define and test with prototypes the new features and services and its impact to the whole app following the interaction and style model defined in the different releases and versions.

My role

I took part in the project as a UX  and UI Designer collaborating with the Digital Team of Vodafone Spain.

What I learned in this project

This was an interesting project to learn how a big telco company is doing its process of acquiring an Agile environment.

It was a great opportunity to work hand-to-hand with business analysts, data analysts  and a big development team, speaking in English manly and to cope with the difficulties associated in order to build an app with a lot and varied products and services.

Developing Mi Vodafone APP, we worked with two different teams:

Both squads were composed of an international team working with sprints in an Agile environment (scrum).

Agile canvas

The Process

The first step was building the User Stories, helping the Business Analyst, with a business description and the acceptance criteria. To do that, aligned with the data team, we develop wireframes and flows to conceptualize and to help to understand the final goals we wanted to reach.

Once the flow and the wireframes were validated and tested with Maze to improve the user experience, we transformed them into visuals for three platforms (iOS, Android and web).

Flows, Wireframes and Visuals

Case: Mi Vodafone App: Flows and concepts
Case: Mi Vodafone App: Wireframe
Case: Mi Vodafone App: Visual

Adapting to the new versions, releases and testing

Dashboard old version
Dashboard New version
Guerrilla Testing with Maze